Thursday, February 10, 2011

Not alone!

I have never been a "blogger" before.  Sounds so odd.  While researching I have found so many blogs.  I am not alone.  I will definitely have to share "blogging" with David.  As difficult as it is for me, it is much worse for him.  He is the one who has to live with the highs, lows, mood swings, migraines, and watching what he eats.

Most of the time, David does very well.  Then every once in awhile he will say, "Mom, when will they find a cure?"  It is at moments like these that my heart breaks.  I want to say soon... I hope soon... Soon seems so far off.

Diabetes does not run in our family; however, autoimmune diseases do.   What a thing to pass on to your children....  light brown hair, blue eyes, and autoimmune diseases.    GREAT!!!  Sorry children.  As all mothers out there would agree, I would gladly take it all on to protect you if I could.  It stinks!!  All I can do is try to help you through each day, listen, help you manage it, and love you.

My worries are immense.  I do not want David's A1C numbers to be high.  I worry that if I do not do a good enough job managing, he will have other problems.  Very stressful.. do other mothers feel this way to.  Share your ideas and thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog...even though I haven't written in ages. I do believe our sons are close in age...JJ turns 8 next week. I will show him this blog and your sons pic. Hugs to you, Mom! You are doing great!
